Rewards And Employee Performance in Community Polytechnics In Wakiso and Luwero Districts: A Case study Of Gombe And Bowa Community Polytechnics In Uganda
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The study explored whether there was a relationship between payment
of staff and employee performance at Gombe and Bowa Community
Polytechnics. Specifically, the study examined the level relationship
between payment of staff and the level of employee performance in Gombe
and Bowa Community Polytechnics. The Case Study research design was
adopted and both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. A sample
size of 54 respondent instructors filled the Structured Questionnaire, while
8 key informants were interviewed. Data was there after analysed using
descriptive and inferential statistics for quantitative data while thematic
content analysis was used for qualitative data. The findings of the study
revealed that payment of staff increases employee efficiency, commitment
and effectiveness only when the policies and practices are performance
focused, timely, flexible and localized.
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