A Non-Revenue Water And Performance Of National Water And Sewerage Corporation

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John Barigyes


This study sought to t establish the relationship between non-revenue water and performance of National Water and Sewerage Corporation - Mbarara branch. The objectives of the study include to establish the relationship between illegal consumption and performance National Water and Sewerage Corporation Mbarara branch, to establish the relationship between unmetered consumption and performance national water and sewerage corporation Mbarara branch, The researcher employed correlational and a descriptive research designs based on both qualitative and quantitative approaches.  Data was analyzed using the Special Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Frequencies and percentages were used to analyze respondents' profiles while mean values and standard deviations. Correlation and multiple regressions were also used to establish the relationship between the research variables. Findings revealed that there is a negative relationship between  illegal consumption, unmetered consumption,  and performance of the National Water and Sewerage Corporation Mbarara branch.  The research study recommends launching awareness campaigns to educate the community about the negative impacts of illegal consumption on the National Water and Sewerage Corporation. The research study recommends  that National Water and Sewerage Corporation should invest in advanced technologies, such as smart meters and real-time monitoring systems, to detect and prevent illegal consumption more effectively and strengthen legal measures and penalties for those involved in illegal consumption. invest in expanding metering infrastructure to cover areas with currently unmetered consumption.

Article Details

How to Cite
SSENDAGI, M., NEIL MAKANGA, C.N. and Barigyes3, J. (2024) “A Non-Revenue Water And Performance Of National Water And Sewerage Corporation ”, Journal of Innovative Technologies and Business For Sustainable Development, 5. Available at: https://slaujournals.com/itbsd/article/view/8 (Accessed: 8 March 2025).
Section - Entrepreneurship
Author Biographies


Senior Lecturer, Departiment of Business Management , School of Postgraduate Studies


Senior Lecturer,  Departiment of Business Management , School of Postgraduate Studies

John Barigyes

 John Barigye, School of Postgraduate, St. Lawrence University

How to Cite

SSENDAGI, M., NEIL MAKANGA, C.N. and Barigyes3, J. (2024) “A Non-Revenue Water And Performance Of National Water And Sewerage Corporation ”, Journal of Innovative Technologies and Business For Sustainable Development, 5. Available at: https://slaujournals.com/itbsd/article/view/8 (Accessed: 8 March 2025).
